Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thanksgiving is over.....

*BIG sigh of relief*...ya know sometimes it is a good thing to live not in your family's back door...I have to get in my gift drawer and see what is left to buy...or who is left to buy for, I know I am finished with my neices and my youngest nephew...except for candy for the stockings...

Bargains I got this week....I got a box of cereal for 25 cents after my coupon and a box of lipton tea for 69 cents after the coupon.. When I did my Thanksgiving shopping I had over 25.00 worth of coupons and discounts.

on the weight loss front...not doing well there at all, have gained back some of the weight I lost...about 20 pounds of the 70 :(

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Hang in there Cindy! I've gained some back too (about 5 of 20) the past couple of weeks. For me this time of the year is hardest because I always want to be in the kitchen baking & cooking goodies cause I can have the stove/oven on and it makes my little kitchen toasty.


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