Tuesday, December 12, 2006


ya know december is not a frugal month...but I am trying ot keep it as frugal as possible with some homemade gifts or family gifts...soo share some ideas you have for family gifts or homemade gifts..



  1. Knit and crochet: hats, caps, scarves, totes, wristwarmers, mittens


    candies, cookies,

    jams and jellies which can be done when fruits in season ahead of holidays

  2. Oh and if your friends collect things, thrift shops and yard sales where you can find older additions for their collections.

    Like ya know, I have this friend that collects nativities hehehehe

  3. Anonymous6:49 PM

    We purchased a family gift this year instead of spending individually. We got a new TV with DVD and VCR on it. It sure is much nicer than having to tote around 1 tv between work and home. The new one is larger and WOW! Everyone is happy with it. Of course we did get a few small things for the boys, but that only cost me $35 total. I was going to make them somd homemade things....but tims got away from me this year.


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