so what are some of your favorite fast cleaning ideas?? me I like to spray everything down with a cleaner...usually something mild, and then let it soak move to another area and spray that down then come back...I also start with the least dirty then go to the dirtier and then I take my cloth and wipe down the bathroom counters, then the sink and faucets, then I move to the outside of the toilet and the floor around the outside of the toilet and then in the bowl of the toilet..and yeah I use my rag in there..I always flush before I put in the cleanser then I clean it...flushing several times and rinsing out my rag in the toilet bowl..heheh then when finished I make sure to use my antibacterial soap to wash my hands good..
In the kitchen...I hate mopping so I am a spot mopper most of the time I spray the dirty spots and clean them and then usually once a month do a complete kitchen mopping......
The Living room gets all the wood wiped down with furniture spray, wiped down and then the floor vacuumed and swept..we have lino all thru the house with a area rug in the living room...
So share some of your favorite fast cleaning tips...
My goal each day is to keep the dishes done up and the living room presentable enough that anyone dropping in isn't horrified at the mess...
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