these will be all sorts of tips...LOL
As the wife of a bi-vocational pastor I am always on the look out for saving money.
Utilities are starting to drop and we have removed the window unit from our bedroom window (we have three window units in our house)and we are now using a fan in the window and the whole house fan. One thing that causes a struggle here is yesterday morning we had rain, and it was major miserable humidity so we ran one air conditioner only and used our fans to move air and cool down....
Another place I try to cut expenses is in the grocery store. Where I live is only one grocery store without driving to a larger town (30 miles away) So there isnt alot of saving in driving so far to shop, so I combine my little dollar stores who have some great bargains in the food aisles with my grocery store and manage to keep our grocery bill right around 200 a month for our family of four (I have two teenage sons who can out eat both my husband and I) I do budget 250 a month but the challenge is to keep it close to 200. I do have a garden and my parents do too, and they give me lots of produce when I see them (they live 2 hours away) But when we do see they load me up (this summer a total of 35 pounds of okra, about 75 pounds of potatoes and 30 pounds of tomatoes) I only have a uber small area which we will double this next gargen season, but I did have tomatoes and peppers and green beans. I also have 4 berry vines/bushes and a grape vine. Which we just planted all those last fall so not much on them yet.
Growing a garden is a way to save on your groceries....
Back with more ideas later
Cindy, thanks for your comment, it help put my head on straight and not go off my feelings......please email me, thanks