Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Where do you get your coupons??

I use Taylor Town to check what coupons are going to be in the newspaper to decide if I want a paper for the coupons, it is the only reason I buy a paper. However I have used a coupon clipping service before, with GREAT results, The Coupon Clippers is one of my very favorite places to use. Also I do alot of surveys where I get coupons in the mail from them, and I do read magazines, but not many coupons gleaned from them. Also about once a week we get a couple of inserts and they have often have coupons in them, and if you head to the PO, you can trash pick them, because most people trash them on the way out of the PO. Also I have actually seen coupons on ebay, never bought them, (if you have, please share your experiences) One other way I have gotten coupons is coupon trains, and I have several friends that I exchange coupons with. So where do you get your coupons?? Please share.


1 comment:

  1. We semi recently started using "the grocery game" my sister's family has done it for a few years and now we are all getting involved. The site costs money, but after you give them your location, stores you want to shop at, etc., they give you a list of the best deals. It usually involves using a coupon on something already on sale.. and so on. It's not unusual to get things free, or for 17cents. For instance our grocer often has 10/10 sales, the grocery game lets us know when there has recently been a coupon for that item and tells us what date it came out etc. (so you can find it in your file) The coupon may be for 35 cents and it doubles so the item is now only 30cents!


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