Monday, August 24, 2009

New week...

Well it is our Monday's are our day off, well my dh's day off, he is a pastor and going to Barber School, so it is a great day to be off, after Sunday's ministering and then before another week of school starts, I hope it continues to be our day off after he starts barbering.

So today is Monday and I am thinking of some catchy titles, and today I am thinking I will declare it Menu Monday...Today I will make a Menu...
Please share your menu with us, in the comment section..or whatever your catchy idea is for Mondays.

I will just list supper meals, because breakfast and lunch is general whatever you might want to eat or can find.
Minute steaks cooked in salsa, served over rice with refried beans

Pork chops served over rice

Fried Catfish, fried potatoes and hushpuppies

Fried minute steaks, mashed potatoes and gravy

Pork chops with veggies

Goulash with buttered bread

Next week

Pork chops with eggs and toast

Spaghetti with meat sauce and green beans

Pork Chops with veggies of some sort (maybe served mexican style)

Minute Steak Sandwiches with home fries

Fried Catfish with Fried potatoes

Something made with hot sausages (give ideas for this please)

OK I have left Sunday's blank, because we generally eat sandwiches on Sundays, I have the meat all seperated into weeks for the two weeks and ready to be pulled out of the freezer. I have 3 more packages of catfish besides the two listed, so I have enough meat for 2 weeks of menu planning and three extra meals. This is a plus from just picking up good bargains on meat when I see it. OHHH and I found a already cooked chicken in the other freezer (over the fridge) I will use it for a lunch...or a pot of chicken spaghetti....that sounds good...
Please share some of your menu ideas


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM I come!

  2. you mentioned hot sausages....are they links or patties?

    One recipe that cooked years ago......preheat oven to 400*F. Fill 9x13 pan/dish with lots of chopped cabbage (remember it cooks way down). On top of that add chopped or sliced taters. Season with salt & pepper. Now add sliced sausage links. Dot with margarine/butter. Cover with foil. Cook until taters are done....

    sharon :)

  3. I posted my menu on my blog tonight. just 1 week cause my freezer won't hold more than that much food.

  4. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Hey I saw this while surfing for deals...and thought it might be something that you might like to get involved in!

    Keep up the great work, I love your posts!!



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