Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The 6th Day of the Experiment....

so far so good, I am thinking more about planning some menus for next week, I think planning ahead will help me out...

Today we are going no where, so no temptation to spend any money...
Still have a bit of milk left to cook with..

Breakfast today was Eggs and toast for Dave (he does his own) Oatmeal and toast for me, the boys had PBJ and juice..

Lunch for me will be brocolli and probably some corn salad along with some carrot sticks, there is just a bit left. The boys will either have ramen noodles or burritos...Dave packed his lunch last night, sandwich, chips, and carrot sticks and grapes, with diet soda. I dont drink much soda at all, in fact I rarely drink it, since going off sugar sweetened drinks, the artificial sweetener in diet sodas give me migraines, plus it tastes I drink mainly water or unsweet tea. Every blue moon I will have a crystal light lemonade but not often because of the artificial sweetener, it usually just takes me drinking two lemonades two days in a row to bring on a headache..sooo it isnt worth it for me.
Dinner tonight is sweet and sour pork chops with mashed potatoes and carrots...we dont eat much bread either.

In my planning for this next week I need to make sure to include 2 gallons of milk out of my 20.00 and then we will need some more fruit, we have grapes and peaches left, but they will be gone by Friday I am sure. We shouldnt need bread there is still a big loaf in the freezer plus Dave just took down a loaf this morning, I will also keep my eyes peeled for any great meat markdowns...Will have Dave pick up a grocery flyer today at the store.

Still only spent 19.59 of my 20.00 for week one...My 20.00 starts on Fridays since the first was on a Friday and also since we are paid on Fridays...

Some other things I am doing to save on the household budget..I have the air conditioners off and have fan in the windows and the windows up, now I know 85 degrees is hot to some folk, but after having weeks over 100 with high humidity, it feels good to night we do turn on the air in the bedrooms (we have 110 window units in ours and the boys rooms) but we set the thermostat where the compressor doesnt kick on much at all, basically just using the fan feature of the a/c's During the day all the lights are off and the shades are opened to let in light, and I hang my laundry on the line to dry. We have a few compact fluoroscent bulbs in the house and will continue to replace more of them as we go...


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    :o) we are switching over to compact flourescent as well.

  2. Anonymous6:11 PM

    To help keep the house cool you might want to keep the shades down during the day. The sunlight will heat up the house in a hurry.


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