Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Funny sayings or myths...

tonight my son was saying at dinner something about butterflies...

along the lines of this...that if a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the world it causes a natural disaster on the other side of the world..NOW where in the world he heard this is beyond me, says he has heard it all his life (he is 16 ROFL, and I never said it to him)

so what are some sayings you have heard or myths you have heard...

Tip for today...

Don't forget your MYPoints for gift certificates for gifts (if you have earned the points, use them for certificates to give as gifts)


  1. Anonymous1:35 AM

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  2. I've heard that one, too!

    My father had lots of "simile" expressions:

    *Nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs

    *Quick as a duck on a june bug

    *Like white on rice

    *Smiling like a mule eatin' briars

    I miss my dad; he made me smile.

  3. That's the idea of The Butterfly Effect... based on chaos theory - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_effect :)


    You should enable more options on showing identity :)

  4. Kandra
    I had it set up for annon comments and then I started getting viagra commercials left...so back to Google accounts...is there anything else I could use to keep the spammers away but not make it hard for real comments to be left

  5. My boys have said some pretty wild ones here lately and some I don't dare post as they aren't so nice.


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